ESET is no longer functioning properly and the user is receiving an error when opening that states "Analysis of application protocols will not function" and Maximum Protection is NOT ensured.

This happens due to a corruption within ESET or a virus has damaged the program. Attempting to fix with uninstalling ESET and reinstalling results in the same message. Sometimes when attempting to reinstall ESET after uninstalling will also cause a "rollback" in which the installation will go so far but then will go backwards and end prematurely.
- First we will want to uninstall ESET from the computer. Click
Start, go to All Programs and find the
ESET folder. Select the Uninstall option.
- Once the uninstalling of ESET has finished, go ahead and restart the computer.
- Once back into Windows we will want to verify that the following is missing from Services:
Base Filtering Engine. Click Start, type
services.msc into the search Programs and Files field and then click
- Confirm whether the Base Filtering Engine is located on the system anymore or if it has been removed.
- To reinstall the Base Filtering Engine, download the following files:
- Microsoft SubInACL.exe -
- ESET BFE Fix -
- Install the SubInACL executable by Microsoft, once finished close the program. Next unzip the and open the extracted folder. Once in the folder double click the BFE_bkup and click Run once prompted - click Yes to continue. Once the message about keys has been successfully added, click OK.
- Restart the computer.
- After restarting the computer, open the folder from before (ESETBFE Fix) and right click on the RegPermFix and Run as administrator. This will successfully finish the reinstalling of the Base Filtering Service. You can verify by going back into Services as listed above.
- Now ESET should be capable of being reinstalled, activated, and working properly.
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