- Run Disk Cleanup: Disk Cleanup can be found in your program list
or by right clicking on the drive in Computer. To access the tool from the
menu, click Start, All Programs, Accessories, System Tools, Disk Cleanup and
select the drive.

Run Disk Cleanup from the Accessories group under your start menu or by
right-clicking on the drive under "Computer".
Select the types of items to delete and click OK to start the process.

Windows 7 hides some of the cleanup options unless you click the "Clean
up system files" button (requires administrator access). This will
add several additional categories of files that can be removed, and a tab
called "More Options". Under the more options are two options:
a button to launch add/remove programs and a button to delete all system
restore points except the most recent.
- Download and Run WinDirStat (http://windirstat.info/)
to help identify and remove unneeded files:

WinDirStat can show you what type of files are using all the space on
your drive. Use this to identify files that could be moved to another drive
or deleted. More than half of the space on this 250GB SSD drive was taken
up with a batch of video files!
- On a dual drive system, Install your applications to a hard
drive. Watch for a prompt for where to install the program. If you don't
see a destination choice, you may need to choose to do a Custom Install to
have the option.

- Disable virtual memory - set the swap file to zero. If this is
a dual drive system with a hard drive as the second drive, move your paging
file to a different drive. To do this under Windows 7:
- Press Windows-Pause to open System window (or right click
on "Computer" and select "Properties")
- Click Advanced System Settings
- Select the "Advanced" tab, and under Performance, click "Settings"
- Select the "Advanced" tab, and under Virtual Memory, click
- Remove the check next to "Automatically manage paging file size
for all drives"
- Select the SSD drive letter and change the option from "System
managed size" to "No paging file"
- Optional: if you have a hard disk drive, you can select it and still
have virtual memory available by changing the option from "No paging
file" to "System managed size" or "Custom size"
if you want to limit how much space to use.
- Click OK to save changes...

Press the "Windows" key and the "Pause" key together
to immediately open the system properties window. You can also click on
"System" in the control panel, or right-click on "Computer"
and select properties from the context menu to see this same screen. Click
on "Advanced System Settings" from the task list on the left side
of the window..In the System Properties window, select the "Advanced"
tab and then click on the "Settings" button in the "Performance

In the Performance Options window, click on the "Change" button
under the Virtual Memory section. The default is for Windows to manage the
swapfile, and to create the paging file on your system drive. To set virtual
memory to "none", to change its size, or to change the drive Windows
uses, remove the check from the box at the top. Select the drive you want
to change, and then either set your custom size or set it to "No paging
file" to free up space on smaller SSD drives.
Windows will use your SSD or Hard Disk Drive as virtual memory unless
you change this setting. A swapfile allows Windows to load more programs
or larger data files than you could fit in your existing RAM. However it
is much slower, even on a Solid State Drive, and it takes up space (reserved
as a hidden system "swapfile"). With your Paging file size set
to "none", you must have enough available RAM to open your program
or data file, otherwise you could get errors or a "not enough memory"
message. If you have a two-drive system (SSD and HDD), change the location
of the swapfile to your HDD to free up SSD space and still have the virtual
memory support.
- Disable hibernate: You can set the idle-time delay before the
system enters a sleep or hibernate state under the power settings. While sleep
does not use storage space, hibernate does. The hybrid sleep of Vista and
Windows 7 will automatically hibernate after a given time in low power sleep
mode, unless the timeout is set to never or hibernate is disabled. To disable
hibernate in Windows 7, you must have administrator privileges and do the
- Open an Administrator Command Prompt window
(Start, All Programs, Accessories, right click on Command Prompt and select
"Run as Administrator")
- At the C: prompt, enter the command "powercfg -h off"

To enable Hibernation again, repeat the process but enter "powercfg
-h on". If you receive an error: "You do not have permission
to enable or disable the Hibernate feature.", then you did not run
the command prompt as an administrator!
To prevent system hibernation from the power settings, do the following:
- Open Power Options from the control panel
- Click on the task to "Change when the computer sleeps"
- Click on the option to "Change advanced power settings"
- Expand the "Sleep" category, and then expand the "Hibernate
after" line.
- Change all hibernate settings to "Never". Click OK to save

To change the hibernate timeout in Windows, open Power Options in the Control
Panel. Click on "Change when the computer sleeps" in the task
list on the left.

Hibernate is part of the Advanced power settings. Click on the line "Change
advanced power settings" to open the list. In the Power Options list,
expand the section called "Sleep", and then expand the "Hibernate
after" section. To prevent the computer from entering a hibernate state,
and creating a large "hiberfile" on your drive, set all options
in this category to "never" (how many you have depends if this
is a notebook or a desktop system).
Note: changing the hibernate delay through the Power Options only applies
to the current power plan, and only applies to the current user. Disabling
the hibernate feature using the powercfg command disables it for the computer.
For more assistance contact Technical Support
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