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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Adjusting AA/AF Settings with an nVidia Graphics Card

Anti-aliasing or AA removes parts of the video signal that are at a higher frequency than the monitor is setup to show. It will take areas of the image that would cause artifacts to appear on the screen and slightly blurs them to create a smoother appearance.

Antistropic Filtering or AF enhances the quality of textures on viewed surfaces that are at an oblique angle to the camera. When rendering detail at these angles, Antistropic Filtering reduces blur and preserves detail. These settings can have a substantial impact on what you see on the screen especially in PC Games.

  1. Open the nVidia control panel by right-clicking on the desktop and choosing nVidia Control Panel.

    Note: If this option is not available, visit www.nvidia.com and download the latest drivers for your graphics card.
  2. Ensure that the nVidia Control Panel display mode is on Advanced Settings.

  3. Once set to Advanced Settings, choose Manage 3D Settings on the left, under the 3D Settings category.

  4. On the Manage 3D Settings screen, change the Antistropic Filtering to the desired setting.

  5. Change the Anti-aliasing – Mode to Override Any Application Setting.

  6. Change the Anti-aliasing – Setting to the desired setting.

  7. Click the Apply button at the bottom to save the settings.

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