Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Internet Explorer 9 Adobe Flash YouTube Streaming Video

You attempt to open a web site with streaming video or other content rendered by Adobe Flash Player in Internet Explorer 9 64-bit. Instead of the video playing, You receive the message "You need to upgrade your Adobe Flash Player to watch this video."
  1. What is Adobe Flash? According to Wikipedia it is "a multimedia platform used to add animation, video, and interactivity to web pages. Flash is frequently used for advertisements and games." (source:
  2. Why do I need it? Many popular websites (e.g. YouTube) use Adobe Flash for streaming videos and other content.
  3. When you attempt to go to YouTube (www.youtube.com) or another website that has flash content you receive a message similar to:
    Upgrade message

  4. After installing the latest version of Adobe Flash player, you still receive the same message.
  5. This is common with any 64-bit version of Internet Explorer to include the version that comes with Windows 7. As of the writing of this article, there is not a released version of Adobe Flash Player that supports 64-bit browsers.
  6. Windows 7 comes with two versions of Windows Internet Explorer, a 64-bit version and a 32-bit version.
  7. To determine which version of Windows Internet Explorer you are using click the Tools icon in the upper right of Internet Explorer.


  8. This will display the drop down menu and click "About Internet Explorer" at the bottom of the list.

    About Internet Explorer

  9. The About Internet Explorer window will open. If you are using the 64-bit edition it will say 64-bit edition after the version number.

    Internet Explorer 9 64-bit edition
              Internet Explorer 9 64-bit edition                     Internet Explorer 9 32-bit edition

  10. You will need to switch to the 32-bit edition of Internet Explorer.
  11. Click "Start," go to "All Programs" and select the menu item labeled "Internet Explorer" without 64-bit after it.

    Start - All Programs      Internet Explorer
  12. The content should now display if you already have Adobe Flash Player installed.


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