Thursday, August 26, 2010

Time to renew ESET Antivirus? Part 3

Part3: Finalize Your Renewal
1. After submitting the registration form, in a few moments a page that looks blank will appear. Scroll up to the top of the page to see the new Username and Password. Also, an email will be sent (up to forty minutes later) with a copy of this new Username and Password in it. Once you have this new Username and Password, the ESET program needs to be updated with this new license information.

2. ***If you already have version 4 or later of ESET installed, skip this step and proceed with step 3***

This step is to download and install the latest version of the ESET program. Before downloading the latest ESET version, verify the bit type of Windows that is installed on your computer. Windows XP is 32bit. Windows Vista or Windows 7 may be either 32 or 64 bit. To check which bit type is installed, click the start menu, right-click Computer, choose Properties, in the window that opens look for System Type under the System heading, this will say either 32 or 64 bit.

There are several ways to get to the download page for ESET; the link in the registration page next to the new Username and Password, the link in the email sent after registration, or open a web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari) and type in the ESET downloads webpage ( Once on the download page, choose the bit type that matches the bit type of Windows installed (32 or 64 bit). Then choose the version of ESET purchased, either NOD32 or Smart Security, and click the Download button. A window will pop-up and ask for the new Username and Password that you received from registering ESET. Type in that new information EXACTLY and click OK. A window will open asking what you would like to do with this file, Run, Save, or Cancel, choose “Save.” Now the window will ask where you want to save this file, save this file where you can find it again. If you have the option to save it to the desktop, that would be the best option. Click Save, and allow the program to download. Before the installation of the new version of ESET can be performed the old ESET program needs to be uninstalled. To uninstall the current ESET program, use the uninstaller that came with the ESET program (Start > All Programs > ESET > Uninstall). Do not use Window’s uninstaller. It will cause problems, only use the ESET uninstall option. After the program is uninstalled, it will ask to restart the computer. Restart the computer, and then you will be able to install the latest version. Double-click the ESET installer to start the install process. This new copy of ESET will request the Username and Password about three screens into the installation, finish the installation and you are done with the ESET renewal! Skip over step 3 and proceed with step 4.

3. ***If you did step 2 above, skip this step and proceed directly to step 4***

4. This step is to continue to use the version of ESET you already have installed in the computer. If you already have version 4 or later of the ESET program installed, open the ESET program by selecting the icon down by the time on the taskbar and choosing “open window” (double-clicking the icon also works). You may also access the program from the start menu (Start > All Programs > ESET > ESET NOD32 Antivirus). Once you have the ESET program open, select “Setup” from the left column menu. After selecting setup, click on “Set up Username and Password for update…” or “Username and Password setup” whichever is shown. A small window titled License details will open displaying your old Username and dots for your old password. Check the email you received from for your new Username and Password. Change the Username and Password from the old to the new set and click ok. After you have changed the license details box, select “Update” from the left side column, and then click on the blue text that states “Update virus signature database”. The ESET program will then update and you are finished! If you get an error trying to update the virus database, most likely cause is a Username or a Password typed incorrectly. Go back to “Setup” and the license details box and re-enter the new Username and Password. Remember capitalization matters and the hyphen is needed as well. The Username will start with a capital “EAV-.” The Password will be ten characters and will be all lower case with a couple of numbers mixed in.

5. You can verify that the ESET program is current by opening the ESET program and selecting “Protection status” from the left side column. It will state “Maximum protection,” and the ESET icon in the taskbar down by the time will change to a green (NOD32) or green-blue (Smart Security) color.

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